Much to Celebrate with Fathers on The Move


This past weekend took me to the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina to spend some time with our Southeast Region Co-Director Victor Glover and the annual conference for Fathers on the Move. What a wonderful weekend and what a beautiful example of what the Lord is doing in our midst.

Victor Glover founded Fathers on the Move ( out of his desire to see more done to help men as they transition out of the criminal justice system. The mission of Fathers on the Move is twofold: To empower men to lead positive and productive family, career, and community lives as they transition from the criminal justice system. To mentor and support youth already in or at risk of involvement in the juvenile justice system.

The annual conference was held last Friday at the Carrboro Century Center. Pastor Victor Glover gave a brief overview of the day and then introduced several guests who were invited to share words of encouragement and inspiration with the most recent graduates of Fathers on the Move and Youth on the Move. First up was Barbara Foushee, Mayor of Carrboro, North Carolina. Following the mayor was the honorable Beverly Scarlett, Retired District Court Judge of Orange County, North Carolina. Then Sandra J. Hairston, The United States Attorney of the Middle District of North Carolina brought remarks. Guilford County Sherriff, Danny H. Rogers was up next followed by Sherriff Willie Rowe of Wake County. The presentation was capped off by Rob Lang, the Assistant U.S. Attorney of the Middle District of North Carolina.

(L to R: Sheriff Danny H. Rogers, Mayor Barbara Foushee, Judge Beverly Scarlett, Sandra J. Hairston, Sheriff Willie Rowe, Victor Glover, Rob Lang)

Each of the speakers shared from their own stories and there was a common thread throughout each presentation focusing on the importance of mentors and the investment that others had made in their lives and their work. They also shared their desire and commitment to take what they had received from others and to make similar investments into the lives of others. They were, in part, community leaders because of the investment others had made in them.

Aside from the speakers, the room was filled with other community leaders as well. All were present to demonstrate their support for the men and women of Fathers on the Move (and Sisters on the Move and Youth on the Move) and celebrate their achievements.

Five men were recognized as graduates of Fathers on the Move – level two which equips them to be able to launch and lead other chapters of Fathers on the Move and one graduate of Sisters on the Move. In addition, there were five young men recognized for their accomplishments in Youth on the Move.

It was beautiful to witness the coalition that Victor has brought together to help support men and women who want to see transformation in their lives… this work can’t be done alone, and Victor has partnered with local, state and even federal leaders to help men and women change the course of their lives. There are a lot of community leaders who are committed to doing all they can to help men and women take a different path forward from where they’ve been. It was a beautiful day of celebration.

That was just Friday! Saturday was the Old School vs. New School Fishing Rodeo Challenge. One of the key aspects of Youth on the Move is giving young people positive activities to be a part of that allows them to get outside and enjoy nature and get off a screen for a while. Young men along with their mothers and fathers came out to Lake Mackintosh, and spent a big part of the day fishing for the big catch. Just for the record, I was a part of the Old School team (and there are pictures that will probably be used to blackmail me at a future date). Let’s just say I fed a lot of fish that day, but the really big fish got away from me. It was a great day of fun.

Lance's Big Catch(Lance's "big" catch)

Finally, on Sunday, it was such a blessing to be a part of launching the third campus of Work Jesus Ministries (formerly known as Last Days Ministries) in Raleigh, NC at the historic John Chavis Memorial Park. Work Jesus Ministries has two other locations in Hillsboro, NC and Warsaw, NC. One key item to note is that the service was led by three graduates of Fathers on The Move. Victor has been pouring into others and empowering them for ministry and it was a beautiful example of the work being done in our Southeast Region.

God is using Fathers on the Move and Work Jesus Ministries in beautiful ways in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina and beyond. Victor is helping others Listen, Learn and Live like Jesus and God’s multiplying the ministry and the community is taking notice and supporting the effort because of the good results. I traveled back to Findlay grateful for the work being done to Discover, Develop and Deploy disciple makers as Jesus has commanded us to do.

Christ’s Peace,

We also want to take this opportunity to inform the denomination of the passing of Randall Hall-Walker, the pastor of Freedom Worship Center in Charlotte, NC. Pastor Randall was a licensed pastor with the Southeast Regional Conference of the CGGC, and has been an instrumental part of building the Southeast Region. Last year, we interviewed Pastor Randall Hall-Walker as part of our series about the Southeast, and we found the work he was doing to be genuinely inspirational, particularly in the light of Covid. Pastor Randall had the unique vision to see Covid as an opportunity; God was forcing Christian to get out of their church buildings and do ministry in different ways, and in different places. 

If you didn't know Pastor Randall, then perhaps the video below will help you better understand what a great pastor he was for our denomination, and how deep the loss is for the Southeast. Below is video interview of Pastor Randall telling his testimony about how God saved him from a life of crime. It's certainly worth the watch. *Note: this video was filmed more than a decade ago, and we're not sure of it's exact date. 

A word from Pastor Rich Thorton, Southeast Director:

"Randall was a man who brought a smile and a warmth to everyone he met. Over a decade of knowing him I had many conversations and meals with him and he always encouraged not only me but whoever was around. The interactions that he had with people were truly moving to see and done in ways that made people relaxed. 

Over these years  that I have known him he saw more and more the importance of being himself and inviting others to be themselves as they discovered God at work in them. The team he put together and the way he drew out their God given gifts was amazing.

Randall, Dr. Randall Hall-Walker, was a key part of the Southeast Region as a founding member and a member of the Administrative Council. He contributed in many ways including hosting two of our conferences.

All of this is important. But for me, he has been a friend. And I miss him dearly."

CGGC eNews—Vol. 18, No.  35

CGGC eNews

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