Announcement: Ben Tobias to Leave Global Reach Director Position


Yes. It’s true. Ben Tobias, the Director of Global Reach, has taken up the call to be the Associate Pastor of Indian Head Church of God in Indian Head Pennsylvania, and will be leaving his position here at the CGGC office in Findlay, Ohio. The office was surprised to receive the announcement but we are all happy for Ben who clearly demonstrates a pastor’s heart. Any congregation in the CGGC would be lucky to have Ben Tobias as their pastor.

Below you’ll find Ben’s official announcement, but before that, I sat down for a brief interview with him to talk about his time at the CGGC to help him reflect a little.

An Interview with Global Reach Director Ben Tobias

Ben, how long have you been here?  

I came in 2011. I think it was in May. I remember because June 1st is Sherri's and my anniversary, we had just moved in. I started as an associate director for 5 years. Then, in 2016, when Don Denison retired, I stepped into the full Global Reach Director position.

What did you do before that?

I was the Senior Pastor at the Mount Pleasant Church of God for five years. Five years before that I was the associate pastor at Indian Head (where I’ll be returning to). Before that I was a missionary in Indonesia.

Do you think Indian Head is prepared for your incessant dad jokes?

Ben: I hope so. (Laughs).

What is one of your favorite memories of this job?

Ben: One of my favorite memories probably would be the first time I would visit a particular field… the first time I arrived was always a highlight. For example, when I arrived in Argentina last year. Getting to know the culture, getting to know the people, the field, welcoming them into the family.

Another favorite memory was a specific memory, a conference session in Brazil, we had a feet washing service. It’s something we have featured at almost every conference in the US. But they practiced it in a completely new way. It was a free for all, where anybody could wash anyone’s feet. I got to see some really wonderful examples of people reconciling, and hugging one another. The highlight was a visiting pastor, he had tears in his eyes, and said “This is beautiful, and I want to be part of this family.”

Did this job meet your expectations? Was this job what you thought it was?

Ben: In many ways it met my expectations, however, we’ve seen a decrease in missionary personnel, and an increase in field leaders. I see that as a sign of success. That was a big surprise, and I wasn’t expecting that. But I’m also very thankful for it.

What would you attribute that to?

Ben: I think, primarily, God’s faithfulness in raising up leaders in all of our international fields where we have churches established. We’ve always prayed that this would happen, and it has. These fields are led by national leaders. That would be, in part, because of missionaries working themselves out of a job.

Did you know we get way more views and clicks when someone leaves or joins the office? It’s a pretty great opportunity to get other things in front of people’s eyes, like last week’s announcement of the New Ministry Review. What do you think about that, Ben?

Ben: Well, I’m glad that I can contribute.

How have you grown in or through this position?

Ben: I’ve grown in my experience of working with different cultures, and appreciating the diversity of how the church operates globally, and I’m getting to see more and more a picture of what I believe Heaven is going to look like. A picture of every tribe, language, and nation before the throne of God. And in this role, I got to experience that.

Is that going to make you a better pastor?

Ben: I pray it makes me a better pastor, especially when it comes to helping the church have a local and global sense of mission. And working with the younger generation and understanding that our culture has changed and we can use some of the intercultural skills that I've developed in helping people understand the culture that they live in.

Do you have anyone you plan on pranking at Indian Head, like you do here?

Ben: Yes. (Ominously)

Are you going to pull the trick where you pretend to stick your hand into the paper shredder and scream?

Ben: Oh, certainly! I’ve already warned the secretary (who is the same secretary that I did that to 22 years ago), that I’m going to do that again.

Did you accomplish what you wanted to accomplish as the GR Director?

Ben: There’s still a lot to be done. In one sense, I feel good about where Global Reach is, and I can step away with gratitude for what God has allowed me to.

What will you miss most about this job?

Ben: The people that I get to interact with. Both here in the office, as well as abroad. There are people around the world I’ve come to see as friends through the love and support that is shared.

Last question. Will you be taking the 100-year-old leopard skin rug with you? It’s been freaking everyone out.

Ben: Yes. In spite of what Sherri (my wife) says. Lynyrd will be coming with me.

A Letter from Ben Tobias

Dear Friends,

I pray this finds you well and blessed as you serve the Lord. I’m writing to let you know of a major change coming up in my life and ministry. For the past 12 years I have been honored to serve on the CGGC General Conference staff in the (now) Global Reach department – first as Associate Director with Don Dennison, then as full Director with Travis Helm. I’ve also had the privilege of working with seven CCM/Global Reach Assistants (including Jenn Schlumbohm who currently serves) and many missionaries, field leaders, and Global Reach Commission members. I have been blessed beyond expectation, and I thank God for the tremendous privilege He has given me.

However, God has opened the door for me to return to the pastorate. The Indian Head Church of God in the Allegheny Regional Conference has called me to serve as Associate Pastor, joining Senior Pastor Doug Nolt in the ministry there. This is a decision Sherri and I have prayed about since last year, and we believe the time is right.

Many details need to be worked out in the coming months as we prepare for this transition. I will consult with CGGC Executive Director Lance Finley and GR Assistant Director Travis Helm as they begin the process of finding the next GR Director. And of course, I will do my best to prepare missionaries, field leaders, and commission members as well.

Please join me in praying for a smooth transition. Global Reach has changed quite a bit in the past 12 years, but I know the Lord is already preparing my successor. He or she will inherit an exciting and challenging ministry and will be blessed to work with amazing people!

May the Lord richly bless you,

Pastor Ben Tobias
Director, CGGC Global Reach

CGGC eNews—Vol. 27, No.  26

CGGC eNews

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