Share the Blessing Update!


This week we had our Giving Tuesday campaign, entirely centered around Share the Blessing. If you haven’t heard yet (seriously, how haven’t you heard?!) we selected three important missional needs to highlight and focus on.

  1. Medical Supplies for Bangladesh
  2. Brazil Church Construction
  3. India Fellowship Education Center

Each of these needs are crucial to continuing our mission work across the globe, and we’re grateful for everyone who has already, and those who will soon contribute to these important goals. That being said, we wanted to make an announcement about where we are currently with our Share the Blessing goals.

First, we’re happy to announce that we’ve hit and surpassed our first major goal with Medical Supplies for Bangladesh. Our Bangladesh hospital in Bogura serves life giving care to hundreds of thousands of people a year, and its impact is hard to overstate. Yet, it’s equally hard to overstate just how much they stretch their resources, especially during this tumultuous time. I walked the campus of our Bogura Christian Hospital. The waiting rooms were crowded, the hallways were crowded, and every ward was crowded. Some medical supplies were held together by tape, and not high-quality tape, mind you.

Because of this, even though we’ve reached our goal, extra funds towards this mission are never wasted. Bogura Christian Hospital is always in need of extra support to continue offering affordable, life altering Christian medical care to mothers, children, newborns, and the general community. So, if giving to this goal sparks you, please continue to give.

Next, our India Fellowship Education Center goal is coming along nicely. We’re still a little way away from reaching the $14,000 goal for this, but we have confidence that we’ll get there.

On the other hand, we’d like to more strongly recommend supporting the final goal, the Brazil Church Construction, in Santo Antonio de Jesus, Bahia Brazil.

The current church building, see above, is a 3 meter X 3 meter garage attached to a house. The church is outgrowing this building, and in order to make a larger impact in the community, is seeking funds to build a larger, multi-story church building.

The people of the church are kind, faithful believers who do much with little. Spiritually, they are planted firmly on the Rock of Jesus and The Good News Bible Church is very active in evangelism, so we are confident that a new building will provide them with the space to bring many people to the Lord, while they perform good works for the community they are preaching too. Brazil is such an exciting field, one where Christianity is accepted and growing, and we are eager to see them flourish. Currently, we have reached $9,400 of the $44,000 goal, so we have a long way to go.

The land for the new building has been secured, so these funds will go toward surveys and construction of the building. The church anticipates that these funds will create a functional first level furnished for worship, with plumbing and electricity.

In this advent season, hemmed on both sides by Thanksgiving and Christmas, we ask that you reflect on all the ways the Lord has blessed you, and ask in addition that you pour out of the cup that overfloweth.

CGGC eNews—Vol. 18, No.  50

CGGC eNews

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