Harvest prayer walks are a way for us as the church to reach into our community to be actively praying with and for our neighbors. The purpose is not only to reach out for prayer but also to recognize opportunities to build relationships in our community. This year’s focus was based on Jeremiah 29:7 to seek the prosperity of the city to which I have sent you into exile, Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
Being new to the Convoy, Rockford and Ohio City area, my wife Sarah and I took time to go to every business in the community to talk to the owners and asked how we could be praying for the prosperity of their business. We not only went to the local businesses but also to the schools, fire department, the city buildings and the post office. We gathered a list of requests and mapped out the walk.
The body of believers joined us in walking around the different communities, stopping in front of the buildings to pray for the requests given to us and anything else the Spirit led them to pray about in their time. We also had a prayer service at the church for those who were not able to join us on the walk. It was a rainy day but that didn’t stop us from venturing out on our journey.
The result of this prayer walk was open dialogue and opportunities to follow up with our neighbors on the things we prayed for. The requests ranged from prayer for building inspections to prayers for family members facing medical challenges. Those that participated on the walk have been able to have conversations with people that do not worship with us through the week to get updates and continue to stay engaged in our communities.
As with most anything, taking time to organize the route, having the courage to ask people how you can be praying, and following up are all the steps needed to make this a successful time. In the past I have held walks on Saturdays, this year I was led to do it on Sunday during our worship time to show that praying for our community is an act of worship and is something we can do any day of the week.
Happy to help and answer any questions from anyone.